Why it is beneficial to report payroll the way you want to…and how many payroll service companies don’t give you options.
With A&A Payroll, You can tell us how to report payroll so you don’t have to adjust your current process which means you can report your hours the way you want to and on your schedule.

How your payroll service can - and should - alleviate the stress of managing your workers’ comp insurance.
With A&A Payroll, We do all the workers comp insurance administration for you so you don’t have to learn the process or worry about it every month which means you can confidently know your filings are done and audits are handled for you.

How a lot of payroll providers have hidden fees you need to know about.
At A&A Payroll, We only charge you to process payroll and give you all that information up front so you won’t have any cash flow surprises which means you don’t have to worry about spending more than you budgeted.

How not all payroll services are available when you need them and that you have options.
At A&A Payroll, We make ourselves available to you outside normal business hours so you will get the help you need, when you need it which means you can get urgent employee issues off your plate right away.

How the experience of the team you will be working with saves you time and money.
At A&A Payroll, We are professionals and will always review your payroll before processing it so you will be protected from costly mistakes which means you will have fewer headaches and time-consuming problems to resolve.